Looking for some Love? Why not use Magick

Valentine’s Day, is a modern celebration shrouded in history and romance that has evolved from ancient ideas and the legend of a saint into a global celebration of love. One such legend is rooted in the supposed acts of Saint Valentinus, who secretly married couples during a time of religious persecution. The Valentine’s Day concept is multi-faceted, from its early Christian and Roman origins to its modern-day incarnation as a day of love. The customs and traditions are said to have shaped it into one of the most celebrated and commercial holidays around the world.

The Supposed History of Valentine’s Day

The supposed history of Valentine’s Day is multi-layered and complex, some trace its origins back to the ancient Romans while other to one of a few Saint Valentinus, a Christian saint who was said to have secretly married couples who were banned from marrying under Emperor Claudius II, while another legend states that they were under religious persecution which led to his death on February 14, 269 AD. How none of these are historically contested.

The transformation of Valentine’s Day into a celebration of romantic love is also commonly believed to be influenced by the Roman festival of Lupercalia, a mid-February festival of purification and celebrated fertility. Some believe the origins for the festival were pastoral which later may have lead to honor Faunus/Pan. According to various sources the festival consisted with a series of rituals and processions that took place in and around a cave on the Palatine Hill, where the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus were nursed by a she-wolf. Rituals included the sacrificing of goats and a dog, a feast, and what was known as the “Luperci Run.” Whereas two men were chosen as the Luperci, wearing goatskin loincloths and wielding goatskin whips, known as “februa”. They would then run through the streets whipping the citizens of Rome, especially women to bestow fertility and purification. You can read more details of Lupercalia here.

It has been suggested that as Christianity spread, this pagan custom merged with the feast of Saint Valentine, evolving into a day dedicated to love, once again there is no historical proof of this, in fact it continued well into the future finally being eradicated by Pope Gelasius I at the end of the 5th Century.

The actual first mention of St. Valentines Day was in 1382 by Poet Geoffrey Chaucer in “The Parliament of the Fowls”. It relays a tale of mating birds on St. Valentines Day. Scholars believed he invented the day to honor love and courtships.

The Victorian Era marked a significant evolution in the celebration of Valentine’s Day. It became an occasion for expressing love and affection more openly. People exchanged heart-shaped notes and gifts such as candies and flowers to declare their feelings. Women responded with poems and love letters, embodying the romantic spirit of the era. Over time, Valentine’s Day has become a global celebration of love and affection.

In more recent years there has been a resurgence of Lupracalia in the Neo-Pagan communities, however it seems that this is more in opposition to the commercialism and Christian connection to the holiday rather than the actual celebration of fertility and practice of purification. Besides its not like we can go around whipping people in goatskins these days. Non-the-less we at The Sea Witch of Cocoa Village do choose to celebrate Lupracalia instead of Valentines Day with a focus on purification and cleansing and as a time of Love and because of its interesting pagan origins.

Love Drawing Magick

Anoint a 7 day Pink candle with Love Oil and burn a Love Drawing incense . Repeat the following incantation 3 times each night, for 5 nights in a row, while your candle burns.

“I am possessed with burning love for {insert person’s name}
And this love comes to me from the love’s Divine, who is victorious ever.
Let {insert person’s name} yearn for and desire me
And let their love burn for me.
Let this love come forth from the spirit and enter {insert person’s name}
Let {insert person’s name} desire me as nothing has been desired before.
I love {him/her}; I want {him/her}
{He/She} must feel the same desire for me.
Oh spirit of love,
Let {him/her} burn with love for me.

A Ritual For Cultivating Self-Love

Anoint an Pink or Purple candle with Jasmine oil. Light the candle and breathe deeply, taking in the fragrant aroma of the candle and breathing out any negativity that may block you from finding love. Repeat the following blessing as your candle burns.

“I call on forces higher than I, to empower the dreams that I hold inside.
Through this vision that knows my need, I ask for love’s enchantment with all speed.
May this work for me in the most correct way, attracting the love I need today.
I call on thee in perfect love and trust, working with me, sending what is just.”

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